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2014 |
[Wenskovitch-2014-MAT] J. Wenskovitch, L.A. Harris, J.J. Tapia, J.R. Faeder, G.E. Marai, "MOSBIE: A Tool for Comparison and Analysis of Rule-Based Biochemical Models", BMC Bioinformatics Journal 15:316, Vol. 15(0), pp. 1--22, 2014. (pdf) (bibtex: Wenskovitch-2014-MAT). |
2013 |
[Haque-2013-ASA] Md. A. Haque, G. E. Marai, "A Semi-Automated Method for Subject-Specific Modeling of the Spinal Canal from Computed Tomography Images and Dynamic Radiographs", The 18th International Workshop on Vision, Modeling and Visualization, pp. 1--8, Sep 2013. (pdf) (bibtex: Haque-2013-ASA). |
[Haque-2013-ITM] Md. A. Haque, G. E. Marai, "Image to Mesh: Spinal Ligament 3D Surface Models from Bone Volume Images and Dynamic Radiographs", MeshMed: Workshop on Mesh Processing in Medical Imaging, Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI) 2013, pp. 1--12, Sep 2013. (pdf) (bibtex: Haque-2013-ITM). |
2012 |
[Smith-2012-IMS] A. M. Smith, "INTEGRATED MODELING, SIMULATION, AND VISUALIZATION FOR RULE-BASED INTRACELLULAR BIOCHEMISTRY", Master's Thesis, Vol. 0(4), pp. 0--0, Apr 2012. (pdf) (bibtex: Smith-2012-IMS). |
[Smith-2012-RIM] A.M. Smith, W. Xu, Y. Sun, J.R. Faeder, G.E. Marai, "RuleBender: Integrated Modeling, Simulation and Visualization for Rule-Based Intracellular Biochemistry", BMC Journal of Bioinformatics, Vol. 13(6), pp. 1--16, Jun 2012. (pdf) (bibtex: Smith-2012-RIM). |
2011 |
[Smith-2011-RIV] IEEE BioVis'11 Best Paper Award A.M. Smith, W. Xu, Y. Sun, J.R. Faeder, G.E. Marai, "RuleBender: Integrated Visualization for Biochemical Rule-Based Modeling", IEEE Visualization 2011, IEEE BioVIs: Symposium on Biological Data Visualization, pp. 1--8, Oct 2011. (pdf) (bibtex: Smith-2011-RIV). |
[Smith-2011-SGV] A. Smith, W. Xu, J.R. Faeder, G.E. Marai, "Scalable Global Views for Biological Rule-Based Modeling", IEEE Visualization 2011, Information Visualization, Poster Abstracts with System Demonstration, pp. 1--2, Oct 2011. (pdf) (bibtex: Smith-2011-SGV). |
[Xu-2011-RAV] W. Xu, A. Smith, J.R. Faeder, G.E. Marai, "RuleBender: A Visual Interface for Rule-Based Modeling", Bioinformatics Journal, Vol. 27(4), pp. 1721--2, Apr 2011. (pdf) (bibtex: Xu-2011-RAV). |
2010 |
[A.M. Smith-2010-VTF] A.M. Smith, W. Xu, Y. Sun, J.R. Faeder, G.E. Marai, "Visual Tools for Modeling and Simulation of Cell Signaling Networks ", Carnegie Mellon University Bioimaging Informatics Symposium, pp. 1--1, Sep 2010. (pdf) (bibtex: A.M. Smith-2010-VTF). |
2009 |
[Marai-2009-DOA] G.E. Marai, J.J. Crisco, D.H. Laidlaw, "Development of a Kinematic 3D Carpal Model to Analyze In Vivo Soft-Tissue Interaction Across Multiple Static Postures", The 31st Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC'09), pp. 0--0, Sep 2009. (pdf) (bibtex: Marai-2009-DOA). |
[Marai-2009-EOO] G.E. Marai, J.J. Crisco, D.H. Laidlaw, "Estimation of Optimal Carpal Contact in the Human Wrist from Multiple Static Articulation Postures", BMES (Biomedical Engineering Society) 2009 Annual Fall Scientific Meeting, pp. 0--0, Oct 2009. (pdf) (bibtex: Marai-2009-EOO). |
2008 |
[Marai-2008-AKB] G.E. Marai, J.J. Crisco, D.H. Laidlaw, "A Kinematics-Based Method for Evaluating the Stabilizing Role of Ligaments in the Carpal Joint", 16th Annual Symposium on Computational Methods in Orthopaedic Biomechanics, pp. 0--0, Mar 2008. (pdf) (bibtex: Marai-2008-AKB). |
2007 |
[Crisco-2007-EOD] J.J. Crisco, D. Moore, G.E. Marai, D.H. Laidlaw, E. Akelman, A. C. Weiss, S.W. Wolfe, "Effects of Distal Radius Malunion on Distal Radioulnar Joint Mechanics -- An In-Vivo Study", Journal of Orthopedic Research, Vol. 25(1), pp. 547--555, Jan 2007. (pdf) (bibtex: Crisco-2007-EOD). |
[Marai-2007-DDP] G.E. Marai, "Data-driven Predictive Modeling of Diarthrodial Joints", Ph.D. Dissertation, Brown University, Vol. 0(5), pp. 0--0, May 2007. (pdf) (bibtex: Marai-2007-DDP). |
2006 |
[Marai-2006-AKB] G.E. Marai, J.J. Crisco, D.H. Laidlaw, "A Kinematics-Based Method for Generating Cartilage Maps and Deformations in the Multi-Articulating Wrist Joint From CT Images", IEEE 2006 Conference of the Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC'06), pp. 2079--2082, Sep 2006. (pdf) (bibtex: Marai-2006-AKB). |
2004 |
[Marai-2004-JAI] G. E. Marai, C. Demiralp, S. Andrews, D. H. Laidlaw, "JointViewer -- an interactive system for exploring orthopedic data", IEEE Visualization 2004 Poster Compendium, pp. 0--0, 2004. (pdf) (bibtex: Marai-2004-JAI). |
2003 |
[Crisco-2003-KAM] J.J. Crisco, G.E. Marai, D.H. Laidlaw, D. Moore, E. Akelman, "Kinematic and mechanical changes in the distal radioulnar joint (druj) of patients with malunited distal radius fractures", 49th Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, pp. 0--0, 2003. (pdf) (bibtex: Crisco-2003-KAM). |
[Marai-2003-A3M] G.E. Marai, D.H. Laidlaw, J.J. Coburn, M.A. Upal, J.J. Crisco, "A 3D Method for Segmenting and Registering Carpal Bones from CT Volume Images", Annual Meeting of the American Society of Biomechanics, pp. 0--0, 2003. (pdf) (bibtex: Marai-2003-A3M). |
[Marai-2003-EJC] G.E. Marai, D.H. Laidlaw, C. Demiralp, S. Andrews, C.M. Grimm, J.J. Crisco, "Estimating Joint Contact Areas and Ligament Lengths from Bone Kinematics and Surfaces", IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 51(5), pp. 790--799, May 2003. (pdf) (bibtex: Marai-2003-EJC). |
2002 |
[Marai-2002-CAA] G.E. Marai, D.H. Laidlaw, C. Demiralp, C. Grimm, J.J. Crisco, D. Moore, A.E. Akelman, "Contact Areas and Ligament Lengths are Abnormal in Patients with Malunited Distal Radius Fracture Despite Normal Radioulnar Kinematics", 4th World Congress Biomechanics, pp. 0--0, Aug 2002. (pdf) (bibtex: Marai-2002-CAA). |
2001 |
[Demiralp-2001-MAV] C. Demiralp, G.E. Marai, S. Andrews, D.H. Laidlaw, J.J. Crisco, C. Grimm, "Modeling and Visualization of Inter-Bone Distances in Joints", IEEE Visualization 2001, Work in Progress Proc., Vol. 0(0), pp. 0--0, 2001. (pdf) (bibtex: Demiralp-2001-MAV). |