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Spine Vertebrae Tracking

Author: Md. Abedul Haque

William J. Anderst, Rahul Vaidya and Scott Tashman, "A technique to measure three-dimensional in vivo rotation of fused and adjacent lumbar vertebrae", Spine, Vol. 0(0), pp. 0--0, 2008. (pdf) (bibtex: Anderst-2008-ATT).
W. Anderst, R. Zauel, J. Bishop, E. Demps, S. Tashman, "Validation of three-dimensional model-based tibio-femoral tracking during running", Medical Engineering & Physics, Vol. 0(4), pp. 0--0, Apr 2008. (pdf) (bibtex: Anderst-2008-VOT).
Paul Axelsson, Bjarki S. Karlsson, "Standardized provocation of lumbar spine mobility: three methods compared by radiostereometric analysis", Spine, Vol. 0(0), pp. 0--0, 2005. (pdf) (bibtex: Axelsson-2005-SPO).
S.A. Banks, W.A. Hodge, "Accurate measurement of three-dimensional knee replacement kinematics using single-plane fluoroscopy", Biomedical Engineering, IEEE Transactions on, Vol. 43(6), pp. 638--649, Jun 1996. (pdf) (bibtex: Banks-1996-AMO).
E. Berthonnaud, G. Herzberg, K. D. Zhao, K. N. An, J. Dimnet, "Three dimensional in vivo displacements of the shoulder complex from biplanar radiography", Surg Radiol Anat, Vol. 0(0), pp. 0--0, 2005. (pdf) (bibtex: Berthonnaud-2005-TDI).
M.J. Bey, R. Zauel, S.K. Brock, and S. Tashman, "Validation of a New Model-Based Tracking Technique for Measuring Three-Dimensional, In Vivo Glenohumeral Joint Kinematics", Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, Vol. 128(8), pp. 604--609, Aug 2006. (pdf) (bibtex: Bey-2006-VOA).
Michael J Bey, Stephanie K Kline, Scott Tashman and Roger Zauel, "Accuracy of biplane x-ray imaging combined with model-based tracking for measuring in-vivo patellofemoral joint motion", Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research, Vol. 0(0), pp. 0--0, 2008. (pdf) (bibtex: Bey-2008-AOB).
Jeffrey Bingham, Guoan Li, "An optimized image matching method for determining in-vivo tka kinematics with a dual-orthogonal fluoroscopic imaging system", Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, Vol. 0(0), pp. 0--0, 2006. (pdf) (bibtex: Bingham-2006-AOI).
J.J. Crisco, R.D. McGovern, S.W. Wolfe, "Noninvasive technique for measuring in vivo three-dimensional carpal bone kinematics", Journal of Orthopaedic Research, Vol. 17(1), pp. 96--100, Jan 1999. (pdf) (bibtex: Crisco-1999-NTF).

A. du Bois dAische, M. De Craene, B. Macq, S.K. Warfield, "An Improved Articulated Registration Method for Neck Images", IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology 27th Annual Conference, pp. 7668--7671, Jan 2006. (pdf) (bibtex: dAische-2006-AIA).
L.E. DeFrate, H. Sun, T.J. Gill, H.E. Rubash, G. Li, "In vivo tibiofemoral contact analysis using 3D MRI-based knee models", Journal of Biomechanics, Vol. 37(10), pp. 1499--1504, Oct 2004. (pdf) (bibtex: DeFrate-2004-IVT).
Douglas A. Dennis, Mohamed R. Mahfouz, Richard D. Komistek, William Hoff, "In vivo determination of normal and anterior cruciate ligament-deficient knee kinematics", Journal of Biomechanics, Vol. 0(0), pp. 0--0, 2005. (pdf) (bibtex: Dennis-2005-IVD).
J. Fuller, L. J. Liu, M.C. Murphy, R.W. Mann, "A comparison of lower-extremity skeletal kinematics measured using skin- and pin-mounted markers", Human Movement Science, Vol. 0(0), pp. 0--0, 1997. (pdf) (bibtex: Fuller-1997-ACO).
J.K. Green, F.W. Werner, H. Wang, M.M. Weiner, J.M. Sacks, W.H. Short, "Three-dimensional modeling and animation of two carpal bones: a technique", Journal of Biomechanics, Vol. 37(5), pp. 757--762, May 2004. (pdf) (bibtex: Green-2004-TDM).
George R. Hanson, Jeremy F. Suggs, Andrew A. Freiberg, Sridar Durbhakula, Guoan Li, "Investigation of in vivo 6 dof total knee arthoplasty kinematics using a dual orthogonal fluoroscopic system", Journal of Orthopaedic Research, Vol. 0(0), pp. 0--0, 2006. (pdf) (bibtex: Hanson-2006-IOI).
Masahito Harada, Kuniyoshi Abumi, Manabu Ito, Kiyoshi Kaneda, "Cineradiographic motion analysis of normal lumbar spine during forward and backward flexion", Spine, Vol. 0(0), pp. 0--0, 2000. (pdf) (bibtex: Harada-2000-CMA).
Takahiro Ishii, Yoshihiro Muaki, Noboru Hosono, Hironobu Sakaura, Yoshikazu Nakajima, Yoshinobu Sato, Kazuomi Sugamoto, Hideki Yoshikawa, "Kinematics of the upper cervical spine in rotation: in vivo three-dimensional analysis", Spine, Vol. 0(0), pp. 0--0, 2004. (pdf) (bibtex: Ishii-2004-KOT).
M. P. Kadaba, H. K. Ramakrishnan, M. E. Wootten, "Measurement of lower extremity kinematics during level walking", Journal of Orthopaedic Research, Vol. 0(0), pp. 0--0, 1990. (pdf) (bibtex: Kadaba-1990-MOL).
Sai-wing Lee, Kris W. N. Wong, Man-kwong Chan, Hon-ming Yeung, Jeffrey L. F. Chiu, John C. Y. Leong, "Development and validation of a new technique for assessing lumbar spine motion", Spine, Vol. 0(0), pp. 0--0, 2002. (pdf) (bibtex: Lee-2002-DAV).
G. Li, T.H. Wuerz, L.E. DeFrate, "Feasibility of Using Orthogonal Fluoroscopic Images to Measure In Vivo Joint Kinematics", Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, Vol. 126(4), pp. 313--318, Apr 2004. (pdf) (bibtex: Li-2004-FOU).
T. W. Lu, J.J. O'Connor, "Bone position estimation from skin marker coordinates using global optimization with joint constraints", Journal of Biomechanics, Vol. 0(0), pp. 0--0, 1999. (pdf) (bibtex: Lu-1999-BPE).
Luigi Lucchetti, Aurelio Cappozzo, Angelo Cappello, Ugo Della Croce, "Skin movement artifact assessment and compensation in the estimation of knee joint kinematics", Journal of Biomechanics, Vol. 0(0), pp. 0--0, 1998. (pdf) (bibtex: Lucchetti-1998-SMA).
J.B.A. Maintz, M.A. Viergever, "A Survey of Medical Image Registration", Medical Image Analysis, Vol. 2(3), pp. 1--36, Mar 1998. (pdf) (bibtex: Maintz-1998-ASO).
G.E. Marai, D.H. Laidlaw, J.J. Crisco, "Super-Resolution Registration Using Tissue-Classified Distance Fields", IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, Vol. 25(2), pp. 177--187, Feb 2006. (pdf) (bibtex: Marai-2006-SRR).

P. Markelj, D. Tomazevic, F. Pernus, B. Likar, "Robust Gradient-Based 3-D/2-D Registration of CT and MR to X-Ray Images", IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, pp. 1704--1724, 2008. (pdf) (bibtex: Markelj-2008-RGB).
J. M. Muggleton, R. Allen, "Automatic location of vertebrae in digitized video fluoroscopic images of the lumbar spine", Med Eng Physics, Vol. 0(0), pp. 0--0, 1997. (pdf) (bibtex: Muggleton-1997-ALO).
Ruth S. Ochia, Nozomu Inoue, Susan M. Renner, Eric P. Lorenz, Tae-Hong Lim, Gunnar B. J. Andersson, Howard S. An, "Three-dimensional in vivo measurement of lumbar spine segmental motion", Spine, Vol. 0(0), pp. 0--0, 2006. (pdf) (bibtex: Ochia-2006-TDI).
Ruth S. Ochia, Nozomu Inoue, Ryota Takatori, Gunnar B. J. Andersson, Howard S. An, "In vivo measurements of lumbar segmental motion during axial rotation in asymptomatic and chronic low back pain male subjects", Spine, Vol. 0(0), pp. 0--0, 2007. (pdf) (bibtex: Ochia-2007-IVM).

Rianne Reinartz, Bram Platel, Toon Boselie, Henk van Mameren, Henk van Santbrink and Bart ter Haar Romeny, "Cervical Vertebrae Tracking in Video-Fluoroscopy Using the Normalized Gradient Field", MICCAI, pp. 0--0, 2009. (pdf) (bibtex: Reinartz-2009-CVT).
C. Reinschmidt, A. J. van den Bogert, B. M. Nigg, A. Lundberg and N. Murphy, "Effect of skin movement on the analysis of skeletal knee joint motion during running", Journal of Biomechanics, Vol. 0(0), pp. 0--0, 1997. (pdf) (bibtex: Reinschmidt-1997-EOS).
J.G. Snel, H.K. Venema, T.M. Moojen, M. Ritt, C.A. Grimbergen, G.J. den Heeten, "Quantitative In Vivo analysis of the kinematics of carpal bones from 3D CT images using a deformable surface model and a 3D matching technique", Med. Phys., Vol. 27(9), pp. 2037--2047, Sep 2000. (pdf) (bibtex: Snel-2000-QIV).
Acott Tashman, David Collon, Kyle Anderson, Patricia Kolowich, William Anderst, "Abnormal rotational knee motion during running after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction", The American Journal of Sports Medicine, Vol. 0(0), pp. 0--0, 2004. (pdf) (bibtex: Tashman-2004-ARK).
S. Tashman, W. Anderst, P. Kolowich, S. Havstad, S. Arnoczky, "Kinematics of the ACL-deficient canine knee during gait: Serial changes over two years", Journal of Orthopaedic Research, Vol. 22(9), pp. 931--941, Sep 2004. (pdf) (bibtex: Tashman-2004-KOT).
Scott Tashman, William Anderst, "In-vivo measurement of dynamic joint motion using high speed biplane radiography and CT: application to canine ACL deficiency", Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, Vol. 0(0), pp. 0--0, 2009. (pdf) (bibtex: Tashman-2009-IVM).
D.S. Teyhen, T.W. Flynn, A.C. Bovik, L.D. Abraham, "A New Technique for Digital Fluoroscopic Video Assessment of Sagittal Plane Lumbar Spine Motion", Spine, Vol. 30(7), pp. 406--413, Jul 2005. (pdf) (bibtex: Teyhen-2005-ANT).

D. Tomazevic, B. Likar, T. Slivnik, F. Pernus, "3-D/2-D Registration of CT and MR to X-Ray Images", IEEE Transactions On Medical Imaging, pp. 1407--1416, 2003. (pdf) (bibtex: Tomazevic-2003-3DD).

J. Uvehammer, J. Karrholm, S. Brandsson, P. Herberts, L. Carlsson, J. Karlsson, L. Regner, "In vivo kinematics of total knee arthroplasty with flat vs. constrained tibial polyethylene tray", 44th Annu. Meeting Orthop. Res. Soc., pp. 0--0, 1998. (pdf) (bibtex: Uvehammer-1998-IVK).
J. West, J.M. Fitzpatrick, M.Y. Wang, B.M. Dawant et al., "Comparison and evaluation of retrospective intermodality image registration techniques", Medical Imaging, Vol. 2710(2), pp. 332--347, Feb 1996. (pdf) (bibtex: West-1996-CAE).
Kris W. N. Wong, Keith D. K. Luk, John C. Y. Leong, S. F. Wong, Kenneth K. Y. Wong, "Continuous dynamic spinal motion analysis", Spine, Vol. 0(0), pp. 0--0, 2006. (pdf) (bibtex: Wong-2006-CDS).
B.M. You, P. Siy, W. Anderst, S. Tashman, "In vivo measurement of 3-D skeletal kinematics from sequences of biplane radiographs: Application to knee kinematics", Medical Imaging, IEEE Transactions on, Vol. 20(6), pp. 514--525, Jun 2001. (pdf) (bibtex: You-2001-IVM).
Yalin Zheng, Mark S. Nixon, Robert Allen, "Automated segmentation of lumbar vertebrae in digital video fluoroscopic images", IEEE Trans. Med Imaging, Vol. 0(0), pp. 0--0, 2004. (pdf) (bibtex: Zheng-2004-ASO).