VRL Lab Home


How do I update Visweb (make a reading list, add a publication, etc.)?

1. How do I update or add entries to Visweb?
2. How do I add a new publication?
3. How do I add a new video?
4. How do I add a talk?
5. How do I add a FAQ?
6. How do I add a new reading list?
7. How do I add an image to the Image gallery?
8. How do I add a new person to the lab directory (People)?
9. How do I add a new area?
10. How do I add a new project?

1. How do I update or add entries to Visweb?

To update or add entries (such as lists, FAQs etc) to Visweb you will need an iVRL account and password. Please contact the lab director Dr. Liz Marai.


2. How do I add a new publication?

We distinguish between two cases here:
Type 1. The publication is the result of the work of a lab member (e.g., a paper submitted by Liz Marai to IEEE TMI). Such publications can be publicly available.
Type 2. The publication is from outside the lab (e.g., a paper by Snel et al, published in Med Phys.); most likely you're adding this paper so it can be later included in a reading list or bibliography. Such publications should be protected by password, for copyright reasons.

To add a new paper

  • Check "internal publication" if this is a type2 publication. A user name and password will be required when internal publications are accessed, and the paper will not be listed under Results.
  • Select either "journal" or "conference".
  • A title and year are required. For journal papers, a journal field is required; for conference publications, a conference field is required.
  • Check authors so that this publication will appear on those people's pages.
  • Fill in theĀ  "Author List" field, as appears in the citation: "D.H. Laidlaw, G.E. Marai, K.E. Fleischer, A. Barr"
  • Check the projects related to this publication so that this publication can appear on those projects' pages.
To add a book:
  • Check "internal publication" if this is a type2 publication.
  • Select "book" as the publication type
  • Title, year, publisher and "author list" are required fields.


3. How do I add a new video?

Adding a new video:

  • A Title and file name are required. Please name your video file something like "Albrecht-2008-IPC.avi" to avoid duplicate file names. The file name should be composed by the last name of the first author, creation year, and the acronym of the first three words in title. Please copy the corresponding file into /afs/cs.pitt.edu/projects/vis/visweb/results/videos
  • Fill in the author list which will appear under the title on the video page.


4. How do I add a talk?

Adding a new talk:

  • A Title, time and file name are required. Time format should be YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS. Please name your file something like "Albrecht-2008-IPC.ppt" to avoid duplicate file names. The file name should be composed by the last name of the first author, creation year, and the acronym of the first three words in title. Please copy the corresponding file into /afs/cs.pitt.edu/projects/vis/visweb/results/talks
  • Fill in the author list which will appear under the title on the video page.


5. How do I add a FAQ?

Adding a new FAQ:

  • A Title and file name are required. Make a copy of the /afs/cs.pitt.edu/projects/vis/visweb/resources/faqs/sun-2008-faqtemplate.html and name it "-faq-.html". Edit the file to your liking, then copy the file into /afs/cs.pitt.edu/projects/vis/visweb/resources/faqs. If your faq html file needs to link other resources like images, please create a separate folder with the same name as your html file and copy those resources into this folder.
  • Please follow the faq template when writing your html file!


6. How do I add a new reading list?

Adding a new list:

  • Title and author are required.
  • In order to add a publication into a reading list, you should make sure that this publication is already in the visweb publication repository. If not, add it first (see How do I add a new publication? above). Write down on a piece of paper the publication keyword (e.g., Snel-2000-QIV.pdf)!
  • Use the publication keyword to add the publication to your reading list. Iterate until your list is complete.


7. How do I add an image to the Image gallery?

Copy to /afs/cs.pitt.edu/projects/vis/visweb/images/projects the images which you want to show on the image gallery page.


8. How do I add a new person to the lab directory (People)?

To add a new person:

  • Name and Position are required.
  • Institution field is only for collaborators and alumni.
  • Use "Main link" to specify people's homepage (e.g., http://www.cs.pitt.edu/~marai).
  • Check the projects this person is working on.


9. How do I add a new area?

To add a new area:

  • A Title for the area is required.
  • "Description" will appear under the area title on the area page.
  • Upload a picture for this area. It will appear as a thumbnail on the area list page.

10. How do I add a new project?

Adding a new project:

  • A Title is required.
  • "Description" will appear under the title on the project page.
  • Upload a picture for this area. It will appear as a thumbnail on project list page and under title on the project page.
