
We research automated techniques and computational representations for scientific modeling and data visualization. Collaborative work across different departments leads to richer computer science research and provides a mechanism for evaluating the usefulness and robustness of results.


The lab research explores novel geometric representations, computational modeling, and visual analysis tools that are needed for the simulation and analysis of complex scientific phenomena. The tools and collaborations we build help solve practical scientific problems in disciplines such as biology, orthopaedics, epidemiology, natural language processing and mechanical engineering.


The computational models we develop help to make tractable geometric computations that would otherwise be impossible. In the application domains, the immediate impact includes better diagnosis and medical treatment, as well as improved understanding of the underlying phenomena in a wide range of systems, from machine translation to galaxy formation. Best-Paper Awards don't hurt either. :-)


Lab members pooled quite a few resources together over the years, from reading lists to group presentations. The Wiki and FAQs are good starting points for junior members of the lab.


Six teaching awards in five years can't be wrong :-) We also run K-12 workshops through Pitt's Technology Leadership Initiative and the Pitt Women in Computer Science organization.


The lab expertise spans multiple areas, from visualization to robotics to human computer interaction; while the lab collaborators are leading experts across disciplines, from astronomy to epidemiology to turbulent combustion.
Formerly located in Pittsburgh, PA | (646) 225-3703